
Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, low mood, and a loss of interest in daily activities.

What is depression?

Depression is a condition where a person experiences a low mood, feelings of sadness and/or like disturbed sleep, low energy or anxiety. Key signs that you may have depression are constantly feeling down or hopeless and having little interest or pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy.

Depression affects approximately one in four women and one in ten men. The earlier depression is diagnosed and treated, the faster you can start the journey to feeling better.

The exact cause of depression is unknown, there is evidence for the role genetic can play in increasing the likelihood of experiencing depression. Sudden or traumatic life changes can also bring on depression. Altered levels of thyroid hormones or cortisol and altered brain function can also trigger depression.

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Who experiences depression?

Depression can affect people of all ages. Depression most commonly develops during the mid-20s. It is also more common in people who are aged between 25 and 45 years old.

There have been recent increases in the number of children and young adults who are being diagnosed with depression and other mood disorders. Depression is common, treatable and nothing to be ashamed of.

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Symptoms of Depression

Different people experience different combinations of symptoms. Not everybody will suffer from low mood or sadness and in severe cases, symptoms of psychosis may also be present.

Possible signs that you may have depression could include:

  • Irritability or restlessness, feeling tired all the time, or general loss of energy
  • Feelings of emptiness or loneliness
  • No longer being interested in your favorite activities
  • Sleep problems – too much, or too little
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Low self-esteem
  • Problems with concentration
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Thinking about death more than usual
  • Not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, or wanting to go to bed during the day
  • Feelings of great sadness and uncontrolled crying

Depression and Anxiety

People who suffer from depression may also find that they worry about everything more than usual - this is known as anxiety. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms like pain, a pounding heart or stomach cramps. Feelings of anxiousness may come and go but it is important to get help. You are not alone.

Treatment for Depression

There are many different forms of treatment for depression, including antidepressant, antipsychotic, mood stabilising and anxiety medications, psychosocial therapy and complementary therapy.

Antidepressant medication, with or without counselling, is the most common form of treatment for depression. Lifestyle changes can also have a huge impact on the improving symptoms of depression long term.

Medical treatment for depression can be prescribed by a GP or psychiatrist. Remember that treatment must not stop without the advice of a healthcare professional.

We’re here to help

Recovery from depression varies from patient to patient. For many people depression lasts a little while and goes away, for others it comes and goes and for some people the condition is more pervasive and permanent.

Our community pharmacists can help patients better understand depression, anxiety and the treatment available to them.

Patients taking antidepressant medication for the first time may feel anxious about taking their medicine. We are on hand to help you in any way we can from arranging repeat prescriptions to ensuring your treatment plan is easy to follow.

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