Earache can feel different for everyone, and depends on the cause of the earache itself. Pain and discomfort may feel like a dull ache, a burning pain or a stabbing sensation. It can last for several days or ease off after a few minutes.
The most common cause for an earache is an ear infection. The outer ear leads to the eardrum which seals off the middle and inner ear preventing anything from entering the ear canal. The middle ear is connected to a tube, the eustachian tube, which goes to the back of the throat. If this tube gets blocked then fluid can build up and cause an ear infection.
Earache may also be caused by changes in pressure, such as experienced with altitude change or when an aircraft drops altitude when landing. This is usually relieved by attempting to swallow frequently, suck on a drink if an infant, or by chewing gum, thus relieving the pressure change by unblocking the eustachian tube.
‘Swimmers ear’ may also cause earaches because of low grade infections or irritation of the eardrum. This can be treated by using drops to dry out the ear canal if the ears are wet from showering, shampooing hair and from swimming.
Physical damage to the outer ear may be caused by over-enthusiastic drying or damage caused by attempts at ear wax removal with cotton tipped applicators. Q-Tips and cotton buds are not designed to clean the inner ear and can cause damage to the eardrum and lead to infections. If you are bothered by excessive earwax there are products available at our pharmacy to soften and remove the wax.
Shop ear healthEar infections caused by fluid trapped in the middle ear. This is generally the cause of earache in children, who may signal this by pulling at their ear lobe. It may affect one or both ears.
Other symptoms of an ear infection apart from pain include fever, irritability and feeling unwell. Some people experience hearing loss but this is usually temporary. Hearing loss is at risk of becoming permanent if the infection is persistent or not treated with the correct medicine or for long enough.
Adults may complain of earache when they have sinus or throat infections causing the eustachian tube blockages, and also from what is called ‘referred pain’ from dental infections or from a nerve that runs down the jaw line. This may occur in one or both ears, depending on the cause.
Shop ear infection treatmentConsult your doctor immediately if there is a sharp pain or leakage of fluid from the ear canal, severe headache or swelling around the ear as this may be a symptom of a more serious condition.
If you have concerns about ear pain or recurrent issues with earache for you or your family our community pharmacists have products and advice to help you treat and prevent simple ear problems. We can refer you to your doctor if further help is required to resolve the cause of the pain.
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